How to improve the operation of an automotive company?

Enterprises from the automotive industry specializing in the production and distribution of automotive parts and accessories are developing very dynamically. However, people managing a team have a very difficult task. Production, delivery, and service of the highest quality require the definition of many processes, automation, placing orders on time, and verified document flow. The introduction of a project management system in conjunction with an information management system optimizes other internal processes of companies in the automotive industry and affects the efficiency of production and distribution.


In the article, we answer the following questions:
  • Adapt the system and activities to the needs of the automotive industry
  • Management of stock and raw materials
  • Optimization of production work
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Flexible solutions are the key to success
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    Adapt the system and activities to the needs of the automotive industry

      It happens that automotive companies operate in several distributed systems. This results in the clutter in the documentation and workflow. Some processes and data from different sources may be difficult to process and integrate. If you want your business to thrive, you should think about:
    • automation of activities,
    • systematization of processes,
    • effective organization of work,
    • defining the circulation of documents.
    An effective system will also improve production processes in the automotive area. In unit production, producers must be able to flexibly and quickly react to unforeseen changes and adapt plans and production to new framework conditions – without compromising their profitability. Manufacturing companies should also require such flexibility from their business software.

    Well-chosen software allows you to:



     optimize the production process


     control surplus stocks of raw materials in warehouses


     improvement of urgent work


     monitor the work of the team


     effectively define and change delivery dates


     record materials


    Management of stock and raw materials


    Automotive component manufacturing companies often choose to order raw materials in advance. In this industry, it is worth spending time on precise planning of the production process. This can lead to cost optimization, teamwork, and a positive impact on customer feedback. Warehouse management is also an important issue. The management system allows you to control stock levels, manage orders, automate the generation and shipping of documents, and additionally, it enables work planning and process control.

    Management of stock and raw materials

    Optimization of production work

      Planning production work in a large company is a huge challenge. You can use dedicated software to automate many processes and monitor your team’s activities. Establishing a workflow allows you to optimize activities, plan holidays and effectively deal with employee absences, interruptions, etc. IT systems for production management come to the aid of the challenges in production optimization. The implemented system will contain precise data on the available raw materials, as well as a package of precise information on what orders, on what materials will be made in the production hall. The production manager has comprehensive information on various orders based on which he can precisely forecast the production and use of the company’s equipment. In addition, a properly designed production management system will automatically show the breakdown of costs for individual orders on a given day, week, or month.

    Collect and analyze data

      Precisely created and legible reports allow for a quick response to current revenues in the company, problems, or sales drops. Advanced systems allow you to create plans, monitor their implementation, set up automatic notifications in the event of drops, and carry out many other activities that will improve the efficiency of your team. By implementing the system, you can monitor companies on an ongoing basis and use up-to-date information. Reports can be generated automatically. By integrating data with multiple sources, you can control multiple parameters and compare them. You can be sure that the statements will be legible, correctly described, and automatically generated in the time intervals you choose.

    Flexible solutions are the key to success

      Close cooperation with contractors and the highly automated processes they use require a smooth and lossless flow of information, also between enterprises and software platforms. Business processes that are ideally suited to the needs of customers determine success in the industry. It is also worth paying attention to when choosing a system to manage your automotive company. A personalized solution that can be tailored to your needs and customer requirements.

    The flexible solution enables, among other things:



    automation of notifications and actions


     monitoring information and implementation progress


     determining the accesses according to the needs


     improvement of legalistic activities


     modification of processes and schemes


    mobile activity


     creating reports and analyzes as needed


     establishing any processes

    The key to the success of companies specializing in the production and distribution of automotive parts and accessories is the use of tailored solutions for the automotive industry. System solutions, implemented by i-systems, such as optimization of order management or project management system, automate many processes taking place in the company.