How to improve the circulation of documents in your company?

Have you noticed that your company has a problem with transmitting or accepting documents? Efficient document flow improves business operations and eliminates many threats. Check what is worth taking care of and how to speed up this process now.


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How to improve the circulation of company documents?

One of the key business processes is preparing and submitting company documents, such as forms, contracts, invoices, external and internal documents, reports. Effective management of formalities affects the functioning of the organization. Incorrect organization of document flow can lead to delays in project completion and other difficulties. It is a good idea to set the path for submitting and approving documents. A refined document flow is particularly important in enterprises that have several branches, operate on many projects, or operate remotely. If you want to improve the flow of documents in the company, you must identify problems in the company and the requirements of the team. Then you can start choosing a program that will allow you to establish and organize the circulation of documents in the company.

When deciding to implement electronic document flow in your company, you should remember a few important issues:



data security


 adjusting the flow of electronic documents to the procedures that already exist and apply in the company


 proper categorization and labeling of documents


 existing business processes

Proper management of document flow in the organization includes such processes as registration, structuring, classification, and proper archiving of internal and external documents. In order not to inhibit the development of the company by implementing ineffective processes, the natural step is to organize electronic document flow. You should also pay attention to the intuitiveness of the program and the ability to easily introduce modifications based on the company’s needs changing over time. For this reason, the so-called box solutions were making the necessary changes, especially those that could not be predicted before implementation or product launch, which may turn out to be impossible or very expensive. Also, proprietary, individually coded solutions carry similar risks, and certainly many unknowns when it comes to further maintenance, development, integration with other systems, or ongoing modifications in already operating workflows.

Documents that can be circulated are:



cost invoices, accounting notes






 incoming mail


 other documents


What are the benefits of electronic document flow?

  Electronic document flow eliminates many procedures that unnecessarily introduce chaos, and also require additional tasks to handle the document flow. As their number grows, so does the number of processes such as verification, segregation, and approval. These activities are carried out by many employees, which in turn translates into an increasing number of errors, loss of documents, or failure to meet obligations. An efficiently organized electronic document flow allows:  
  • accelerate the implementation of tasks,
  • increase the efficiency of the team’s work,
  • systematize the scope of duties,
  • avoid clutter in company documents,
  • it improves the flow of information,
  • for electronic archiving of documents,
  • for full control of formal matters.


Document management system – why is it worth it?


The DMS system supports the following document types:

  • cost invoices
  • cost orders
  • correspondence journal
  • leave requests

The document management system allows you to keep your company documentation in order. It greatly facilitates the work of the accounting department, human resources, and more. It allows you to design the flow of documents throughout the company, set access to specific people, as well as the range of accesses according to the position held in the company.

According to your business preferences, you can also design a document acceptance form. Order will also be kept by alerts informing about the dates of transfer of the case to the next department, arrears, payment dates, or invoicing.

If you are looking for information about the system you can find here